
Biscayne Natural Beauty


If I look up to my home made clothes just a few months ago, I can already spot the difference and the evolution of my sewing game: play hard or go home.
I´ve started to choose patterns more carefully and wisely, paying attention to details and finishing touches. For a home taught sewist, this is a very important step, as you are learning and improving your skills by the pattern instructions and this is directly related to the designer own skills.
The Biscayne Blouse, a natural beauty indeed, by Hey June Patterns, which I had the pleasure to test, is a very good example of this. You look at it and think "no way, this is too much, I can´t, yada yada yada...". Well, I wouldn´t say you could and you should if i didn´t think it was possible and if I hadn´t tried it myself. The pattern is ment for light and drapey fabrics and includes some intimidating shit things: a welt pocket, a hidden button placket, a collar, all beautifully designed and instructed to elevate your sewing game and make you feel like a professional.
Being sttuborn by nature, I had to try a version in some rayon silk. I have been following this awesome technique to cut up these slippery buggers, and though there´s a bit of paper waist, it´s totally worth it and you can keep the leftovers for some kids artwork. Besides this, I also gave my fabric a starch bath, by dissolving some mash potatoes puree flakes (you work with what you have, right?) in about 2 lt water and it became so stiff it could stand alone. Once I was finished I just hand washed it with a mild detergent and it went back to it´s drapey drooling shape.

My second version was in a rayon challis and so much easier to sew, but again with wonderful draping power. The fit is loose at the side seams but you can easily adjust it by taking in a few cm. One of the things I loved about the pattern was all the preparation steps and attention to details that are sure to get you professional results. It´s not a rush sew, this is made for sewing lovers. The hidden button placket is a notorious marking game, there´s staystitching and understitching in all the right places, french seams, and you can choose to do a patch pocket instead of the welt (c´mon, are you a power girl or a chicken?).

I was photobombed at my last session, but that´s part of it too, isn´t it? They are always around, you sew by bits because mummy i want water, mummy i wanna play this game, mummy i wanna dance, mummy muaaaaahhhhh brother beat me muaaaaaaah, now sister beat me muaaaaahhhh but don´t worry: soon they´ll be sleeping, you´ll go back to your sewing moment of zen, and then stop it to go sit at their room and watch them sleep. All is love, all is balance. <3

Check out all the other testers absolutely drop dead gorgeous versions!

This blog post contains affiliate links but all opinions are my own.

12 comentários

  1. Aw thanks for your very kind words Andreia! I loved both of your blouses so much! And your post made me laugh :)

    1. Always glad to make someone laugh ;) And all words are true and honest, wonderful pattern Adrianna, crazy talented you ;)

  2. Andreia estao uma perfeiçao! Estou a adorar o teu "armario" (e cheia de inveja)! Ve la se vens aqui vais vezes escrever que os teus posts sao um fartote de rir!

    1. Rita obrigada! Gaah demoro mais tempo a escrever um post que a fazer o projecto inteiro, prometo balançar mais a coisa ;)

  3. You know how much I love your two versions, right? So well executed and great fabric choice :-) Love the last two photos!! ;-)

    1. Same back at you Maria João! Thank you :* :*

  4. Não só costuras maravilhosamente como escreves super bem. Eu leio sempre os posts mas os teus estão entre os que leio com mais atenção... Magnificent fabrics and they both look great! Love those last pictures... ❤️

    1. Patrícia querida, tu estragas-me com tantos elogios <3 A verdade é que gosto muito de escrever e não é de agora ;) Beijoooo

  5. Ficaram lindas, como sempre! Adorei ler, já tinha saudades. :)

    1. Ahhh Diana obrigada, agora já posso respirar e pôr a escrita em dia ;)

  6. No words!!! You rock and that's all I'm saying! I want both versions for me ok? My birthday is July 2nd hahha I'm chicken so you'll have to make them for me! ;) amazing stuff my dear!

    1. Inês you´re spoiling me with your comments! And of course I won´t make you one, you chicken, but we can meet and do one together!
      Or maybe I´ll be nice and suprise you for your birthday... ;)
