
Splash it on!


Big day today, this when I show the world me in a swimsuit. And yes, I'm fine with it, because I F@€#*$G made it! If you're struggling to decide wether or not you should start a battle with lycra, fear not, I'm here to tell you you'll win. People always say "oh lycra is very forgiving". Indeed, my friends she is. She can forgive you of any sewing crime you attempt, trust me cause I got away with almost murder. I unpicked it so much and she always returned to her unmarked baby skin. And don't think this happenned because it was sooo hard I had to do it over and over again, it was purely to satisfy my perfectionist self.
I decided to get a little artistic and distract you from the fact that I am semi naked. On the internet. Forever.
The Splash swimsuit pattern was designed by Debbie from Lily Sage & Co, and oh boy, is she artistic, criative and obviously very very very talented (just check her on IG). I did some beach photos but they didn´t turn out quite as I expected, so I returned to my beloved living room wall and edited the pictures with splashes of paint, as this pattern is the equivalent to a modern Monet, if such exists.

I know you think it's easy for a skinny person to talk about fit, but let me guide you through my process, which is no different than the one for any other body type. First, the bust measurement. Though I'm around 80, most of it is boobs since my back is really narrow, which actually makes me a C cup. I've always struggled with bras and bikini tops because i need a very short strap to go around the back but a big cup to accomodate the ladies.
For this, I blended in 3 different sizes and it's really an easy peasy step to do with this pattern, since the bodice and pants are separate pieces you only attach at the end. It makes no significant diference visually other than ending up with a true to body piece. My bodice is a size 10 because i like the extra coverage and I knew I could shorten the straps, but i sized down to an 8 at the sides going downwards. The bottom is a 6 which was my waist and hips measurements.
I added the clasps at the back and neck straps so they would have the correct size and I didn´t have to be tightening or losening it every time I put it on.

The pattern is also available at UpCraftClub so if you still had any doubts about its quality, here´s evidence. They have a serious and criterious selection of patterns that have to fulfill numerous checkmarks to be certified. It´s that good. <3

15 comentários

  1. Love the photos! Why didn't I think of that?!? Looks sooo great on you! Yaaayyy for making swimsuits!

  2. Thank you Diana :* Yayy for making swimsuits! We should have a drink to celebrate, we definitely deserve it! ;)

  3. Eu acho que estás o máximo! Deves mesmo ter orgulho de ti, fizeste um fato de banho lindo! ps- não se esqueçam de me convidar para a bebida ;-)

    1. Obrigada Patrícia, estou orgulhosa sim hehe :D Estás convidada mas a taxa de entrada é fazeres um para ti ;)

  4. Ficou lindo. Este molde é muito giro. Estou mesmo muito tentada a fazer o bikini. Parabéns!

    1. Devias mesmo Paula, a sério que se faz muito bem! Beijo!

  5. I love love love this project - the pattern looks like it was made for you! The solid black really lets the design lines shine.

    1. Hello Morgan! Welcome to my second home hehe! I can´t believe I never stumbled on your blog before, YOU ARE A.MA.ZING! So glad you liked it, thank you for stopping by!

  6. Realmente perfeito! E se alguém pode colocar (sem medos) fotos em fato de banho/bikini na net és tu! ��
    De certeza que tiveste dois filhos??? Quando for grande também quero ser assim...

    1. Haha Tânia, tenho a certeza ah pois tenho, porque engordei 20kg nas gravidezes e nasceram os dois com quase 4kg ;) Beijo grande e obrigada! :*

  7. Realmente perfeito! E se alguém pode colocar (sem medos) fotos em fato de banho/bikini na net és tu! ��
    De certeza que tiveste dois filhos??? Quando for grande também quero ser assim...

  8. Ficou óptimo e fica-te lindamente!! Até fiquei tentada a fazer um para mim ;-)

    1. Eu adoro tentar-vos Maria João hehe ;) Bjs!

  9. Just checking out your beautiful makes Andreia : ) Love these photographs!

  10. Uau! Mas que máximo. Ficou lindo e o modelo que o usa também está muito bem. ;) Parabéns!
