
Acton dress


There comes a time when you´re confronted with your limits, sewing wise, and you just have to accept the outcome is the best you could do at that time. I was part of the testing group for the Acton dress back in February (or was it March?) and, similarly to the Rushcutter, the pattern just blew me away.

I don´t feel like I made it justice; I envisioned it in this beautiful silk from Maçãs d´Amor and a pair of more professional hands was definitely a requisite to handle it properly. The pattern has an inverted V shape at the front, princess seams, understitching, an invisible zipper and bodice lining, you know, all of the good stuff we want, with a great picture tutorial and instructions to go with it. Now imagine all of these steps in a flowy, slippery, perfect 100% silk that completely lost its shape right after cutting and there was no basting or staystitching to save it. My pieces got tottaly out of control so I finished the best I could.

I did the view B with the loose A line skirt but I used view A´s high back instead, and I also lenghtened the skirt (can´t really remember how much, in fact I think I just lenghtened it so I could use my whole fabric). The artistic photos, or at least an attempt to get artistic, came out blurry, which you should be grateful for, it just means you won´t burn your eyes with my mismatched seams, ha!

You should definitely take a look at Emily´s In the Folds, there´s much more information there (and wonderful tutorials too!). As for me, lesson learned, silk is for the Gods, but I´ll still be patiently waiting for next Summer and a light breeze so I can twirl around some more.

5 comentários

  1. Andreia, estas fotos e este texto não batem certo ;) Está lindo!! Justiça mais que feita ao molde... Acho que as imperfeições de que falas não são visíveis a olho nu... será do blur? ;)

  2. Hi! The dress looks lovely on you! I find silk too slippery to be fun, too but you really shouldn't worry - only you will know its faults. What a great design....how I wish it came in a printed pattern.

  3. This Dress is absolutely beautiful. I found this fabric online which is lovely as well. I believe it will be perfect for this type of

  4. I think you're being overly harsh on yourself. That dress is stunning and I'd happily part with hard earned cash if I saw it hanging on a rack. Any slight misalignments will be lost in the fabric pattern, so I'd say wear it at every opportunity. It's stunning!

  5. Fabulous dress. Would you mind me sharing this on Sassy Sewing Bees in the future? I link to your post and let you know when. https://www.facebook.com/SassySewingBees
